Anton Neznayer

About my art portfolio project

I've completed my art portfolio project website, at last!

At least, it has got much closer to that state. there is a bunch of improvements I want to make tho..

The idea of creating my portfolio was already for some 6 months in my head up to that moment, and finally I got my hands on it! Ant to tell truth, I was a real bliss to work with the stack I like, instead to stick to old things we are forced to at my job. (because, it's "too much hurdle" to rewrite the old code)

So here's a stack wich was mostly a real bliss for me to leard: t3-stack! The Typescript + tRPC + Backend - a fullstack stack, wich brings backend much closer to the frontend.

I've learnt alot this time, especially about optimizing data that loads on the client and prerendering what can be prerendered, for example, the next/image thing, wich made the site to load about 4 times faster!

Also, I got the sinful taste of Tailwind. With it the developing in react bacame, like 2 times faster (the number in strongly subjective).